Results of financial year 2022


Please find attached the press release regarding the 2022 financial results of the multidisciplinary group CFE

20230227_Financial results 2022_ENG.pdf

PDF - 961 Kb



Bart Beeusaert

Bart Beeusaert

Sr PR & Communication consultant, Backstage Communication
Catherine Depoorter

Catherine Depoorter

Senior PR Consultant, Backstage Communication

About CFE

CFE is a multidisciplinary active group in Belgium, Luxembourg and Poland in four activity lines with a significant growth potential thanks to the possibility of shaping tomorrow’s world: real estate development, multitechnics, construction & renovation and sustainable investments. With a solid turnover of 1,167 million euros, more than 3,000 employees and substantial experience and expertise gathered since its foundation in 1880, CFE has the ambition to challenge the status quo and create positive change by providing a successful answer to environmental and societal challenges to ensure the well-being of the future generations. CFE group realises this ambition by putting sustainability, innovation and respect for its employees at the heart of its strategy and by offering their clients end-to-end solutions.

CFE is listed on Euronext Brussels and is 62.12% owned by Ackermans & van Haaren, 12,11% by VINCI


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